I have been running two Servers with Suse 10.1 for many years (since 10.1 was released) and it runs flawlessly.
I don’t want to upgrade as it runs and is customized too far to remember what I have done over the years.
So, one is a main server and the other is used to backup the main server at night (and provide other stuff like printing, wiki, pxe boot, etc.). I call them server and backup (I am not very creative).
I have a few crontab jobs that run on both servers.
When the backup server runs a crontab job it mails root as I expect it to do.
Meanwhile, crontab entries on server end up mailing the results to user steve (thats me) instead of root?
I don’t have a clue why but I can guarantee that it is something I have done over the years I just don’t know what.
Having two servers which are identical (even hardware) is handy because I can compare things but this time I do not see any difference.
For example /etc/crontab is identical on both servers.
I would appreciate any help because logging into server with user steve is a pain.
Thank you for your help- Steve