I was wondering if someone could maybe provide me with a list of things to give a new user using the useradd utility. ( home directory, permissions, etc.) or even point me in the direction of a solid walkthrough.
Thanks in advance guys,
I was wondering if someone could maybe provide me with a list of things to give a new user using the useradd utility. ( home directory, permissions, etc.) or even point me in the direction of a solid walkthrough.
Thanks in advance guys,
Have you read “man useradd”?
All necessary information in there.
yes I have but its not very clear on exactly what will setup automatically or by default. for example, I know that I’m responsible for setting up things like passwd. I just don’t know all the things I need to do.
A walktrough is difficult to see if you do not have a specific goal(s).
From what you say I understand you want to create an user (with a shell) to the default group which I guess it’s users, set his password (command passwd) and that seems all.
Maybe this links will help:
How to use the useradd command, by The Linux Information Project (LINFO)
Howto: Linux Add User To Group
/etc/skel creates standard files for new users
Is there a reason why you would not use the ncurses version of yast which works in CLI and what to use the basic commands?
Those links pretty much answered all my questions, thank you very much, and I apologize that it was difficult to be more specific.
Not using yast becasue I don’t want to. I’m trying to learn linux CL. I’m currently a student trying to get into TCP/IP stuff, and linux/unix servers…and to be honest I’m having a lot of fun with 11.2 and its CL, this is knowledge I want whether or not I eventually do end up in networking.
but again, thank you very much for the links.