Creating install dvd

Hey all

I have downloaded 11.2 and want to write it a dvd that I can install it. The problem that I have is that I cant burn it to disk because of windows 7 that has a problem with my dvd writer. I tried finding a fix but gave up after a day or 2.

Now what I want to know is there any other way for my to get the ISO burnt to disk? I have a liveCD on a disk and I have opensuse 11.1 installed on my notebook but because I installed windows I cant boot to the linux partition anymore. I dont have any dvd with linux on it. Is it possible to create/recover the dual boot again using the liveCD? If so, how? I was thinking that if I can boot into the exciting linux partition I can write the ISO from there. Btw I only have the one optical drive.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
I really want to kick windows of my notebook asap.
