Hi. I’ve got opensuse 11.1 64-bit with KDE 4.2 and own Creative X-Fi Titanium card (not fatal1ty, the normal one).
I downloaded Creative drivers from their website :
then entered the un-tarballed folder and :
warnec@linux-2k5g:~/driver> sudo su
root's password:
linux-2k5g:/home/warnec/driver # make
make -C /lib/modules/ M=/home/warnec/driver
make[1]: Wejście do katalogu `/usr/src/linux-'
make[1]: *** Nie podano obiektów i nie znaleziono makefile. Stop.
make[1]: Opuszczenie katalogu `/usr/src/linux-'
make: *** [all] Błąd 2
linux-2k5g:/home/warnec/driver #
now, because i have polish version:
“wejście do katalogu” -> “entering directory”
“nie podano obiektów i nie znaleziono makefile” -> “objects weren’t determined (given?) and didn’t find makefile”
“opuszczenie katalogu”-> “leaving directory”
“błąd” - > “error”
As a rule of thumb, the very basic you need when compiling are:- kernelsources,gcc/gcc++ & make. If they are not installed, go to YaST -software management &i nstall them.Also,check the readme that should have come with the tarball for any special instructions
Well, I just followed the install instructions provided with the package. I ran ‘make’ as root, but ok, in future run it as normal user. Why is it such a big deal?
It compiled without any problems after installing kernel-source package (and gcc and automake and gcc-c++) .
I did ‘make uninstall’ and installed CreativeXFi-kmp-default, and the card immediately worked. Thanks! Strange I didn’t know about these packages earlier, it would save me a lot of time, if knew I didn’t have to compile… But the annoying thing is that there are some additinal packages ‘-pae’ ‘-xen’ and so on. They don’t have any description, which would let me know, what they are for. I needed to find what ‘pae’ ‘vim’ and ‘xen’ mean. I still don’t know, what the ‘-trace’ package is for.
PS.: Just wondering - is there any way to get CMSS-3D ot Crystalizer to work?
Every error/misbehaviour in the Makefile will be executed as root, this of course also applies for “make install”, however the install routine is very often a lot simpler than the stuff done by make.
Always search for ready made packages or src.rpms first, because normally somebody else took care for creating a safe way to make/install software. A lot of companies release drivers which are written like crap and Makefiles which are written like crap, experienced packagers know how to fix that.
Of course that means trusting the packager, but people like jengelh (who would offer you a src.rpm well suited for rebuild and is also a kernel developer) are IMHO very trustworthy in this context.
When using kmp-packages (or even better adding a suitable Repository from a trustworthy person if available) you will not have to rebuild the module after every kernel update you get via YaST Online Update.
RPM packages offer you a clean way of installing and uninstalling software, dependencies will be automatically resolved (i.e. if you had used the src.rpm, it would have told you that kernel-source is missing when trying to rebuild it instead of make giving you that “cryptic” error message you got in your first post).
Last but not least: Always work with the least necessary privileges, this does not only apply to make but to every application you run (and this does also apply to every OS capable of privilege separation, Unix-type OSes have always been built with exactly this in mind).