Crash on Turn Off

Hi guys, I need some help to fix a problem. (Please move this thread, if it is in wrong place)

I’m using OpenSUSE 13.1 KDE 64, and about 30% of the time I turn off my computer, it crashs on splash screen. It happens in all distros I’ve used, with more or less frequency.

I searched on google, and there are some people with the same problem, but the fix never helped me.

First, I need to know all the problematic processes.
Second, I need to know how can I make a script to kill these processes at shutdown.

I’m newbie OpenSUSE user, and I don’t know how can I disable the exit splash screen.

Being Direct:
How do I find out what processes cause the problem?
How can I make a script that executes on shutdown?

Sorry for my english, and thank you for all help.

The splash screen?
Can you be more specific…
Do you mean the plash for Grub
Or the later splash as it starts up
Or the Login Splash?

Sounds like a GPU issue to me

On 2014-02-22 05:16, vcinaba wrote:
> Hi guys, I need some help to fix a problem. (Please move this thread, if
> it is in wrong place)
> I’m using OpenSUSE 13.1 KDE 64, and about 30% of the time I turn off my
> computer, it crashs on splash screen. It happens in all distros I’ve
> used, with more or less frequency.

Instead of power off directly from KDE menu, try to log off first. Does
it crash? Then, on the login screen, there is an entry for power off.
Does it crash?

> Being Direct:
> How do I find out what processes cause the problem?

You could have a look at the “/var/log/Xorg.?.log*” files, if it is KDE
which crashes. Or “/var/log/messages” if it the system.

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))

Ok, first, is the splash when the chameleon is fading on shutdown.
Second, the log files are soo big I’ll post then in the next reply.
Third, I add on boot loader this command “init=/sbin/sysvinit” and until now not crashed (I turn off 6 times). But, now I need to kill one process manually before shutdown. How can I make a script to kill this process on shutdown??
Fourth, I will try logout first, and then shutdown my computer.

Thank you for all help, and sorry for my english.



The error still happen, even with “init=/sbin/sysvinit” and when I logout before shutdown my computer.

But I have a good new, when my computer crash and I logout before shutdown, 2 fail appear, but is too fast to read. So the erros can be in the logs.