CPU Smart Fan Target

I have recently built a pc with the MSI Chassis K9N6PGM2-V.(MS-7309) I have enabled the CPU Smart Fan Target option, and it is working great. I have no way of monitoring the temperature while I am in OpenSUSE 11.1, because the sensors program barely finds anything. I would like to see if the Bios reacts to high temperatures, but I have no way to do this. So my questions are: (In case I confused someone)

  1. Is there an alternate temperature monitoring application?
  2. Is the Smart Fan thing even safe to use?
  3. A stress test type application to see if the fan speed goes up then?

Thanks for your help.

P.S: In case you need to know:

AMD Athlon 64 X2 4200+

CPU Smart Fan Settings:

Set to 40C/104F
Tolerance 1C
Minimum Fan Speed 75.0% (paranoid to go lower)
3-pin Fan Connector