CPU can be turn off in red in the Power Management

I need help with sleep mode. After I have installed the Education package I cannot put my HP Pavilion laptop to sleep mode. I opened the Power Management and I can see the red light next to “CPU can be turn off”. Also, when I close laptop lid it doesn’t go to “Suspend to RAM” mode it still spin the fan.:frowning:

We all need help with sleep :slight_smile:
To be serious, you need to give more information for someone to help: which version of SUSE, which DE (Gnome or KDE4), how much RAM etc. What’s the “Education package” you mention? You seem to be saying that Suspend to RAM worked fine before you installed it.
Power management on laptops is notoriously tricky although it has improved a great deal in recent years (I find it works better with Linux than Windows but that is a rare experience). To have any chance of someone being able to give good advice, you need to provide as much info as possible: err on the side of too much rather than too little.

I have installed The 11.2 Suse KDE and laptop has 2GB RAM and the name of the education package is "
Youth Education Desktop Software for youths (11-14 years)".