courier-imap TLS_CERTFILE replacement breaks courier?

The stock TLS_CERTFILE specified in /etc/courier/imap-ssl
works fine. However this is supposed to be a temporary file for testing. Default is TLS_CERTFILE=/etc/courier/imapd.pem

When I replace it with my own CA generated certificate TLS_CERTFILE=/etc/courier/angrenost.pem I get the following when I launch courier-imap-ssl…

Starting Courier-IMAP (SSL) generating-SSL-certificate…proble with mkimapdcert

I don’t see any SuSEconfig way of changing anything for courier, any ideas as to how to fix this?

Figured it out. Was my fault.
I copied over the certificate (henderson.pem) to the angrenost server, so naturally it didn’t work. (Being that it was looking for angrenost.pem).
