couldnt read sites in indian languages from web browser chromium or firefox
for example when i visit this site i couldnt read anything in that particular languages(gujarati) , something is really missing from it .everything just look like a box on whole sites ,while i didnt had such issues on ubuntu/debian/mageia distros which i had used before…

plz any one help me over this issue .

thanks in advance …

On 06/28/2013 11:46 AM, nilguy wrote:
> gujarati

this is how it looks on my system (with the software and hardware
listed in my sig block):

tell us what operating system and version, and what desktop
environment and version, and what browser and version you are using
and then maybe someone will know where to start to help you!!


recently using opensuse 12.3 kde 4.10.3 , firefox 19 n default konqueror browser

SUSE Paste

SUSE Paste

this is how the look of the site i get in firefox n konqueror web browser. i think its runing well on uor system " ]( DenverD "]( , but its looks like above on my system…

I see the same as DD, but it is of course difficult fir us to see if someone knowing Gujerati can read it. So better post a picture what you see, so we can see the difference (e.g. in SUSE Paste

In any case, you could check if you have the package indic-fonts installed.

hey thanks hcvv n DenverD

now after installing package (indic-fonts) my problem has solved n now how its look like on my kdesktop

SUSE Paste

कोई बात नहीं

That is the nearest I can come to Gujerati :wink:

Hello nilguy,

To render Indian Languages well in openSUSE you need the indic-fonts package. Have you installed them? If not, do :

sudo zypper in indic-fonts

Close & re-open your browser. The pages should be more neat after installation.



your Gujarati letters look different from the website posted by op

That is correct because they are Devanagri and not Gujerati. As I said: “That is the nearest I can get to Gujerati” (and still understand what I am writing).