could Leap disable integrated card automatically?


I’ve got Nvidia K1100M + Intel HD4400 in my laptop. I am just wondering could the latest openSUSE Leap disable the Intel HD4400 automatically and use my Nividia card all the time by default? Currently, I have to use optimus to handle each program and sometimes this is not so convenient.

I just google it, some laptop BIOS provide option to disable it. But I cannot find any option in my machine… Also Ubuntu could disable the integrated card automatically. Probably this function is also implemented in latest SUSE?

thx a lot

See this thread. But still a bit experimental (works great on my laptop). If you are up for it, use the buildservice rpms and not the tar.gz package.


Thanks a lot for the suggestions.

It seems to work now.

However, I noticed that there is one problem: there are some noise with after introducing the Nvidia optimus and my it is hot of my laptop even I don’t open any GPU consuming program. …

Do you have any idea how to solve this issue?

thx a lot

I am not sure if you can do much about it. NVIDIA card is not made to be power-friendly. I switch between the cards.

Maybe you can set the NVIDIA card into some powersaving mode but not sure on how to do that.


In nvidia-setting there may be some adjustment you can set.I guess that will work with this new setup. But the reason for the hybrid graphics is that the NVIDIA chip sucks power and thus makes lots of heat. So to extend battery time you can run on the Intel. But all that heat must be dissipated so the fan will run more also. It is the nature of the beast.