CoreCtrl is missing its system tray icon in Cinnamon


So I’m testing out Cinnamon on Tumbleweed in a VM because I’m thinking about switching my DE to it, but want to see how the experience is first on Tumbleweed. Everything is good except for one small problem. For some reason, CoreCtrl is missing its icon in the system tray:


No other application is missing its icon(s), only CoreCtrl, and only in the system tray. In the start menu, it does have its icon. This is also just in Tumbleweed. None of the other distros I tried Cinnamon on have this.

Anyone know a fix for this? Thanks!

Just tried XFCE and Mate now and they both have the same issue as well.

Finally fixed it!

  1. Run qt5ct from the terminal.
  2. Go to the Icon Theme tab.
  3. Select the icon theme you’re using and hit apply.
  4. Restart CoreCtrl if it’s running.


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