Since the last couple of system updates, copying to the paste buffer has been spotty. For instance, copying text from apps like Lastpass, Firefox, or Libreoffice. Copying text seems to go elsewhere; pasting supposedly copied text actually pastes its previous contents. Are there now multiple paste buffers?
Has anyone else noticed this?
Bonus oddity: vi now ignores the Backspace key to for deleting text. -???- Is this a setting somewhere? Started happening about the same as the copy/paste issue.
People might better understand the problem if you were to mention which desktop environment you are using.
Note that “vi” is text mode, so should not be related to graphic interface issues. I think I was a bug report on the “vi” issue (or “vim” issue), though that might have been for Leap 15.2.
This could be a problem if you try to copy-paste between native X11 applications (like Firefox) and native Wayland applications. You probably need to test in more details in which combinations copy-paste does not work.