Converting 10.2 to 11.2 no keyboard!

A very basic question I know.

This machine I am updating is running only 10.2 [as detailed below]and is working fine.

The keyboard [usb] only gets power during the boot up sequence.

So with the 11.2 DVD disc in, it hangs because the keyboard is not operational at that time, then times out and boots up from the hard disc.

Strangely I did manage to alter the boot sequence to look for the CD first, then the hard disc. The first option was left spare, the second was the HD and third the CD. So I just made the first option the CD!So I must have been able to call up the bios during reboot.

Sorry if this is so basic…

Can you plug a different keyboard in?

Make sure you have Legacy USB Support or similar setting enabled in BIOS - this may also be called USB Keyboard and Mouse support.


Thanks for the reply.

Yes I have tried a ps2 and that does work on bootup but not for the Suse 11.2 when booting up.



Thanks for reply but at the moment the keyboard is only available after the Bios prompt has gone.

Can’t think it was me, all I did was put the CD as first in the boot up sequence but I did at that time have access to the Bios!!

Very Strange!!


sounds like it might be time to buy a newer box…or maybe flash the
BIOS, that is nasty trick it has not allowing a USB keyboard to
trigger a launch into the BIOS settings…

junk it! (or flash it…have you checked to see if a smarter BIOS is
available from the board maker?)

seeding 11.2 DVD (64) and GNOME Live CD (32 & 64)


Thanks - sorted.

I did remove the reset the bios, using the links and all is fine.

Thanks Again