Hi, I have a problem ImageMgick. I’ld like to convert a lot of jpeg files to one pdf file but when I run convert *.jpg output.pdf I get a blank pdf file with white pages but pdf file size is 35MB.
When I import this pdf file to Gimp I can see correct pdf pages but Okular or Adobe Acrobat can not show pages only blakn white pages…
I used ImageMagick under 42.3 and it worked perfectly. What maybe wrong? Can someone help me?
Also on Leap 15.1 with the same version of ImageMagick (7.0.7-34 Q16 x86_64 20180520) and Okular 1.6.3
I’ve just created a pdf file from 6 jpg images (each approx 6 - 8 Mib, using the first syntax given by @jetchisel) and the file is shown correctly in okular, (I don’t have Acrobat) …
Could it possibly be something amiss with your jpg images, are you able to share one?
Likewise with convert version and Leap 15.1, tested here with multiple jpegs (16 images, 4032x3024, iPhone 6s). On GNOME DE with eog and fired up windows/adobe. All working fine.
Do you think that problem is the jpg files structure?
The story. I bought ten years ago The Complete National Geographic DVD album. 12 dual layer DVDs. It includes all NG magazine from 1888 to 2011. It is an program what includes all scanned page in jpeg.
When Microsoft released Windows 10 the program support finished… I can’t install and use it on Windows 10 or linux with wine. I tought that I import all jpg from DVD’s and convert it to pdf and read it on ebook viewer (Calibre).
Import and export all jpg file in Gimp is an impossible task… you míy think so… cca. 130 years and 12 month/years and 100-170 pages/month …
Perhaps use ImageMagick to change the dpi to something valid… if it does that, I’m not too familiar with it’s capabilities. I’ll try and take a look tomorrow (Saturday)…
I had an idea. tannington recommended that need to open and save jpg files with Gimp but it is a horrible work.
I tried to convert jpg files to jpg by convert command and create a pdf. I experienced that it works. I wrote a script to convert and create pdf from all jpg in dir.
for file in *.jpg; do
convert “$file” “${file%.jpg}_1.jpg”
convert *_1.jpg output.pdf
I’ve just checked anyway, and yes, imagemagick can set the dpi by using the “-density” command.
“The -density option sets an attribute and does not alter the underlying raster image. It may be used to adjust the rendered size for desktop publishing purposes by adjusting the scale applied to the pixels. To resize the image so that it is the same size at a different resolution, use the -resample option.”