Control phone music playback over bluetooth


I have paired my phone (Sony Xperia L) to my computer with KDE destop using bluedevil and pulseaudio-bluetooth, that means I can hear any song or podcast played from my phone through my computer’s speakers.

But, I was wondering if there’s a way to control playback in my phone from my computer the way bluetooth handsets do. I mean, I have a bluetooth headset which I use with my phone and the headset has three buttons, two to control volume, and another one to pause/restart playback.

Is there a way to do this from my computer through bluedevil. I have Kde-Connect install but it works the other way round: I can control computers play from my phone.


I don’t use Bluetooth much, so I don’t think I can answer your specific request.

I do note that using wireless (and not bluetooth) I can use my ultrabook computer to play songs on my android phone using the app Air Droid, and the songs audio (where the files are located on the phone) comes out on my ultrabook computers speaker (or headphones if I have headphones plugged in). I suspect there are other apps that offer the same.