Connection to OpenSUSE from Local Desktop

I have virtualbox v5.2 installed on my Laptop. In the Virtualbox I have OpenSUSE installed. Once I book the OpenSUSE OS on my virtual box, I am trying to connect to it from Putty on my Local desktop. But i am not able to. I tried both options - Port Forwarding and Bridged Adaptor. But, was not successful.

Any suggestions to get this done will be very helpful.

You have to enable and configure sshd on the openSUSE, check the port forwarding in the Firewall, for a simple check you can disable the Firewall as root with:

systemctl stop firewalld.service

Not enough has been described to know whether firewalld is the firewall daemon being used or not.

But yes…
Too little information was posted, the @OP should describe what he tried to do and if he was using a reference or guide, post a link to it.

Some openSUSE documentation on SSH… Read the sections 15.4 and 15.5 in particular…