Connecting to the internet

Hi I am using Opensuse 31.1 I am trying to set up my internet connection using a D-link DWM 157 usb dongle. It is recognized by linux and I was able to setup the modem in modem properties but I can’t seem to get connected to the internet.

Based on your comments, I’m assuming usb_modeswitch does it’s job and the modem device is activated. If you’re using Network Manager, then it should be able to configure/handle the device. (That’s how I connect when away from a wired/wireless network environment.)

It is possible to treat the many of the mobile broadband devices as ‘traditional’ modems, and I have used YaST in the past to configure the device, and then connect with qinternet. BTW, I’m using KDE. Have you been able to determine if you’re actually getting connected? Check with

ip addr
ip route

It might just be a DNS issue. Check

 grep -i name /etc/resolv.conf

I am also using KDE and have configured the modem with Yast. I was able to get connected once then after a restart I was not able to connect again. I will try the suggestions later on and let you know.

Are you using qinternet as your dialler? Most diallers produce a log for debugging purposes (if that’s where the problem is occurring).

I will try the suggestions later on and let you know.

Okay. NM is definitely the better way to go for most using these devices.

I am also using qinternet, it seems like it might have been a conflict somewhere as the internet is now working again.
Thank you very much for the assistance.

Glad to hear that it is working as expected. :slight_smile:

I am having the same problem with the modem again. I can see the usb modem and communicate with it. but it is not dialing out. I have tested it on a windows pc and is working fine. When I use the dialer it get to the point where it says connecting and then it disconnects.

Well, can you at least share a log with us? Qinternet lets you save the pppd log to file for later examination.

Have you tried connecting via NetworkManager? It (with support from ModemManager) can handle most of these mobile broadband devices.

BTW, in your opening post, you mentioned that you were using openSUSE 13.1, so this thread is probably best moved to the Network/Internet subforum.

Will be moved and is CLOSED for the moment.

Moved from Tumbleweed, … and open again.

Here is the log file

SuSE Meta pppd (smpppd-ifcfg), Version 1.60.56 on linux-vgo2.(none)
Status is: disconnected
trying to connect to smpppd
connect to smpppd
Status is: disconnected
Status is: connecting
Status is: disconnected
pppd[0] died: pppd options error (exit code 2)

this is my log file

SuSE Meta pppd (smpppd-ifcfg), Version 1.60.56 on linux-vgo2.(none)
Status is: disconnected
trying to connect to smpppd
connect to smpppd
Status is: disconnected
Status is: connecting
Status is: disconnected
pppd[0] died: pppd options error (exit code 2)

I have a similar problem with opensuse 13.2 as well on this system I am using kppp as a dialup as I can not get qinternet installed on that system.

Okay, so pppd exits with error code 2. Checking the relevant man page

man pppd

it suggests the following

2      An  error  was  detected  in  processing  the  options given, such as two mutually exclusive
          options being used.

So, check your configuration options.

I have redone the configurations the internet is still not working.
I am getting the same results now on both 13.1 and 13.2

this is my log file now

SuSE Meta pppd (smpppd-ifcfg), Version 1.60.56 on linux-vgo2.(none)
Status is: disconnected
trying to connect to smpppd
connect to smpppd
Status is: disconnected
Status is: connecting
pppd[0]: Plugin loaded.
pppd[0]: → WvDial: Internet dialer version 1.61
pppd[0]: → Initializing modem.
pppd[0]: → Sending: ATZ
pppd[0]: ATZ
pppd[0]: OK
pppd[0]: → Sending: AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
pppd[0]: AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0
pppd[0]: OK
pppd[0]: → Sending: ATM1
pppd[0]: ATM1
pppd[0]: OK
pppd[0]: → Modem initialized.
pppd[0]: → Sending: ATDT99#
pppd[0]: → Waiting for carrier.
pppd[0]: ATDT
pppd[0]: ERROR
pppd[0]: OK
pppd[0]: → Invalid dial command.
pppd[0]: → Disconnecting at Tue Jul 14 15:02:42 2015
pppd[0]: Script /usr/bin/wvdial --chat --no-syslog --config /var/run/smpppd/chat-modem0.conf smpppd finished (pid 5007), status = 0x1
pppd[0]: Connect script failed
Status is: disconnected
pppd[0] died: Connect script failed (exit code 8)

pppd[0]: --> Sending: ATDT*99#
pppd[0]: --> Waiting for carrier.
pppd[0]: ATDT*99#
pppd[0]: ERROR
pppd[0]: OK
pppd[0]: --> Invalid dial command.

Well, I’m not sure why this error is occurring, (I connect the same way to my provider), but I can only suggest checking your configuration and provider details in the /etc/sysconfig/network/ directory. For example, I have /etc/sysconfig/network/ifcfg-modem0 and /etc/sysconfig/network/providers/Xtra that define this ‘dialup’ connection.

pppd[0]: --> Disconnecting at Tue Jul 14 15:02:42 2015
pppd[0]: Script /usr/bin/wvdial --chat --no-syslog --config /var/run/smpppd/chat-modem0.conf smpppd finished (pid 5007), status = 0x1
pppd[0]: Connect script failed
Status is: disconnected
pppd[0] died: Connect script failed (exit code 8)

The above error is reported because the connection failed, but that has to do with your dial command failure.

I want to restate my previous advice - I would try configuring this mobile broadband device using NetworkManager instead. Then wvdial or qinternet would not be necessary.

I have just noticed that with my one PC if I start up in Windows and connect the modem to the internet it works, restart it in Opensuse 13.1 then the internet is connected automatically. If I unplug the modem to try on the laptop and plug it back in on the desktop it does not work. It is almost as if it is not able to initialize the sim card in the modem.

It seems like I might have gotten the internet to work.
I had to ad the command AT+CFUN=1 to activate the sim card.

Thank you for the help.

Maybe an additional AT command is required to properly initialise your modem. I’ve seen a number of configurations where users have to pass something like

Init3 = AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","internet"

The ‘internet’ part will be provider-specific. So you might want to search Access_Point_Name settings relevant for your provider. Just a thought.

Anyway my working configuration file doesn’t require the above and looks like this

# cat ifcfg-modem0
INIT2='AT Q0 V1 E1 S0=0 &C1 &D2 +FCLASS=0'

I only ever use this when helping others to connect via dialup method. Using NetworkManager is a much better method.

AT+CFUN=1 had to be added

this command activates the sim in the modem
I been running the system now for a few day after adding this command with no problems.

Thank you very much for the assistance.

Glad to read of your progress. :slight_smile: