Connecting to SBS2003 with SUSE

Hi there:
I am a COMPLETE newbie on Linux so please forgive my apparent state of ignorance.
I have a laptop with SUSE 10 installed and I want to connect to our Windows Small Business Server 2003 at work when I am out on the road, so I can do server checks, re-boots, administration etc. I have been doing this with Remote Desktop from an XP machine, but my little Linux Netbook is now going to be my travelling companion.
Is there a way to RDP (or similar) from a Linux machine to a Windows SBS2003 Network Server?
Thanks in anticipation

Is this SLED
not openSUSE?
Linux HOWTOs and Tutorials: Suse Linux 10.0, 10.1 openSUSE 10.2, 10.3, 11.0, 11.1

Thanks for your response - it is SLED - am I in the wrong place?

Well there is a forum for you

This is the right place. Whatever setupp you had on windows to get the Small Business server will work from Suse. You use the client application from Linux called rdesktop, from a terminal command like this:


or if you used an IP it’s like this:

rdesktop 123.456.789.etc

If it’s already set up to connect from windows, it’s a doddle.

There’s a tutorial on it here:
Windows Linux RDP Remote Desktop Connections using openSUSE as Client or Server (terminal server)

I see no reason why it would not work exactly the same from SLED.

Thank you very much for that info - I will give it a whirl and see how I go!