conky show updates

I’m playing around with my suse xfce built with studio and I have made a conky with a lots of parts from here and there.
Can anyone confirm me, please if this part is correct to show the available updates:


UPDATES ${alignr}${font HandelGotD:size=8}
Available: ${alignr}${font HandelGotD:size=8}${color1}${execi 3600 zypper list-updates | wc -l | tail} ${color}${font HandelGotD:size=8}${color2}Packages${color}

Suse it’s the best!!

Might be better to script it (place in /etc/cron.hourly) and pop the output to a temp file since root needs to refresh and just cat the file in conky;


zypper ref
myresult=`zypper list-updates |wc -l|bc -l`
echo $myresult - 3|bc -l > /tmp/pkg_update_totals

Then in conky, just use cat /tmp/pkg_update_totals for the result.

Thanks, it’s getting great my suse xfce.