Conflict with gtk3-branding-openSUSE-15.0-lp154.2.2.1.noarch


The reason is that, “the powers that be” have moved the GTK+ version 3 branding from –

  • openSUSE
    ” to – - “SLE
    ” …

Therefore, the strange questions being posed during the application of the Patches “openSUSE-2022-10115” and “openSUSE-SLE-15.4-2022-3128” …

  • Simply choose the option which removes the Package “gtk3-branding-openSUSE
    ” …

 > LANG=C zypper search gtk3-brand
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                   | Summary                                                              | Type
  | gtk3-branding-openSUSE | The GTK+ toolkit library (version 3) -- openSUSE theme configuration | package
  | gtk3-branding-openSUSE | The GTK+ toolkit library (version 3) -- openSUSE theme configuration | srcpackage
i | gtk3-branding-SLE      | The GTK+ toolkit library (version 3) -- SLE theme configuration      | package
  | gtk3-branding-SLE      | The GTK+ toolkit library (version 3) -- SLE theme configuration      | srcpackage
  | gtk3-branding-upstream | Upstream theme configuration for the GTK+ toolkit library v3         | package