I am running suse 11.3. I want to install pwsafe and there is a ‘one-click’ link at
Using that link I get a conflict error that I don’t understand nor know what to do about it.
I’m not very Linux savvy but I do understand that perhaps the ‘one click’ is not working because it is not designed for my v11.3.
The conflict is:
YaST2 conflicts list - generated 2012-03-14 10:50:10
nothing provides perl = 5.12.3 needed by perl-Crypt-Pwsafe-1.2-3.1.noarch
] break perl-Crypt-Pwsafe by ignoring some of its dependencies
] do not install perl-Crypt-Pwsafe-1.2-3.1.noarch
YaST2 conflicts list END
I hesitate to break dependencies.
It says ‘nothing’ is what I need. Instead I expect a package name???
Is this a missing value in the script?
The dependency for perl-Crypt-Pwsafe is:
perl = 5.12.3
perl(Digest::SHA) >= 0.1
perl(Term::ReadKey) >= 0.1
perl(Crypt::Twofish) >= 0.1
My installed version of perl is 5.12.1-2.7.1 but there is no indication in Yast that an update is available.
I’d like to know how to proceed.
Thanks, Jon