Conflict between KWin and Compiz

I have installed Gnome to KDE and above mentioned problem discovered. Kontact was over the whole screen and rotation of display was to the left and right not above and down. After uninstalling compiz the mentioned problems are away.:wink:

I have installed Gnome to KDE and above mentioned problem discovered.

I assume you mean you had KDE installed and then installed Gnome.

Kontact was over the whole screen and rotation of display was to the left and right not above and down.

I do not understand this,can you explain further?

After uninstalling compiz the mentioned problems are away.

Is the problem solved then?

  1. Ano
    2.Pouze zleva doprava a zpět, nikoli nahoru a dolů.
  2. Odinstaloval jsem Compiz, protože jsem usoudil, že chyba bude v něm a bylo to tak.

Language translators are far from perfect!

  1. Yes
  2. Only from left to the right and back.
  3. Fault was in Compiz, due to rotation of the cube.