configuring the GIT account basically - with SSH and so on

hello dear opensuse-friends,
hope you are fine and all goes well at your site;).

i am just in the mid of configuring the GIT account basically - with SSH and so on

well i just have started with ATOM and now i want to connect to GITHUB: i have found out that git-plus an support my needs and ideas alot.

I have a or git-specific question, like where to find gitconfig, I find this site to be the most helpful. ]

my tasks for the weekend: I would like to configure Atom to connect to my GitHub repositories. I have installed the git-plus package and went through the process of creating
an SSH key on my Win and adding my public key to my GitHub account. I am pretty new to this stuff so I am confused by what may simple issues for more experienced people. I’d appreciate some help!

Issue 1: Pointing git-plus to my local repositories**
I have GitHub Desktop installed on my Windows-machine and it is connected to my repositories online. it-plus has a setting for the “Git Path” but I’m really not sure where that is on my Windows-machine. Is it the folder for my local repositories (that are synced through GitHub Desktop) or something else?
By the way: i also intend to install Git-Path on my linux machine - of course!!! This is planned at the next month!

Issue 2: Editing gitconfig**

The git-plus instructions include this: Make sure your gitconfig file is configured. You must configure at least the and 2 variables.
I don’t have a clue where to find my gitconfig file.

Again, this is very very probably pretty obvious, just not to me. Please could someone point me to that?

btw: Found those pages:**
for git-specific questions, like where to find gitconfig , I find this site to be the most helpful.

Probably better to ask on an Atom forum or use the Github help pages… have no idea for atom/windows, but very simple from the command line and linux…

See here;

Set your email:

After uploading keys, test your ssh connection:

Switch your repo to use ssh rather than https:

I wouldn’t know why anything like git-plus should be necessary.

Following the prompts whenever I create and use a repo on Github,
I configure each repo separately, and once configured for SSH (see Malcolm’s links for one source of how to do this), then connections are automatically authenticated for that repo.
Configuring SSH is worthwhile if you intend to access the repo many times, otherwise Username/Password can work… But has to be re-typed with every connection.
You should never have to edit github configuration files directly (or extremely rarely), regular git commands should be used when you set up your repo.
I don’t configure some kind of system-wide authentication and don’t know if that’s possible but from my point of view wouldn’t be desirable anyway.

Some recommendations from my own SOP,
I find it much easier to create a new Github repo on Github first, then cloning the repo to my local machine. Starting from my own machine and then telling Github to accept and clone my local repo is less straightforward.

Always start a new work session with updating your local repo with a pull. This ensures that you start with an up to date local repo and any modifications will be accepted on Github without an issue. If you don’t do this and somehow the Github copy had been modified, you’ll have to go through the whole mess of merging and possibly repairing.

Remember to create and switch to a gh-pages branch if you want your code to execute on Github’s free web server service.
There are different procedures whether you intend to deploy only one website on Github associated with your account or if you intend to deploy a website for each repository (so you can have multiple websites within your single account).

You can ask questions about any of the above if unclear or you have additional questions.


For my own curiosity, I took a look at the git-plus project

Looks like a graphical tool that basically does what is normally done on a command line.

I don’t see any real difference except maybe I’d expect a few buttons or some prompting which wouldn’t exist in a bare console.

Since there is little to no difference between git-plus and using a console (even a MSWindows CMD or powershelll console), I’d recommend just using a console for your git operations… Then your experience will be seamless moving between MSWindows and Linux.

Even on my MSwindows box, I have git-scm installed and powershell extensions… And, with MSWindows10 newly supported BASH means that I can even use forward slashes instead of backslashes (In Powershell, still not in CMD)