Okay fresh 11.1 install. Home server & proly my MythTV master backend. There is a bunch of stuff I would like help setting up, but for right now, I’m just trying to setup MySQL with it’s own dedicated partition for all of it’s files"/mysql".
Please be gentle to this first time poster, the only real results I’m finding googling is info/suggestions for mysqldump. Once I have my some of my databases set up I will be searching for info reguarding backing them up but for now I need some tips for setting it up. It seems VERY easy to get it running with SuSE, but not many set up options I can find anywhere in yast at least.
Probably the easiest is simply to copy /var/lib/mysql to /mysql and then make a symlink /var/lib/mysql -> /mysql. Make sure you preserve the ownerships and permissions, e.g. cp -a will do that.
Be careful, you cannot share the MySQL data files, if that’s what you were thinking, even with another mysqld process. The mysqld must have exclusive access to the data files. If you want MySQL clustering, that’s achieved in some other way.
MySQL running on this machine is the only thing that should be accessing it. I really only use MySQL for 2 things, LAN website for the kids, and soon for MythTV.