Configuring mouse click option

Recently my one click behaviour has changed and I now have to double click with left mouse button. I am using Leap 15.4 with KDE and looked for the one click option but I cannot find it now. I looked for:-

Menu -> System Settings -> Workspace Behaviour -> General Behaviour -> Select “Double-click to open files and folders” then click ‘Apply’. but it is no longer there.

Please can you give me a clue how I can revert to single click behaviour?

ps, This is for Henk too!!!

You mean I can remove your other post in that old thread?

Try system settings and search for double click. Open and and toggle settings of “click on …”.

Yes please and could you answer my question now please?

Hi Karl,
Still cannot find. The KDE manual states:

Single-click to open files and folders
This is the default setting. Clicking once on an icon will open it. To select you can drag around the icon(s) or Ctrl+Right click, or simply click and hold to drag it. Selection can also be done by clicking on item’s selection marker.

Double-click to open files and folders
If this option is not checked, icons/files will be opened with a single click of the left mouse-button. This default behavior is consistent with what you would expect when you click links in most web browsers. If checked however, icons/files will be opened with a double click, while a single click will only select the icon or file. This is the behavior you may know from other desktops or operating systems.

I have always used the default settings, ie. a single click, but suddenly I have to double click. I did not change anything intentionally.

The wording is slightly different, but the option is still there… single/double click works as expected.

Operating System: openSUSE Leap 15.4
KDE Plasma Version: 5.24.4
KDE Frameworks Version: 5.90.0
Qt Version: 5.15.2

Very odd >:) …

Single click was working as expected.

Changed to double click and tested, works as expected.

Switched back to single click, didn’t bother to test…

Just used Dolphin “for real” and single click doesn’t work.

Needed to manually edit “~/.config/kdeglobals” :

Under the “[KDE]” section set “SingleClick=true”

Looks like some sort of regression bug…

In my system it is ~/.config/kdedefaults/kdeglobals

henk@boven:~/.config/kdedefaults> cat kdeglobals 



So, what if you remove the line? Does it revert to behave normal?

Try the qt5ct.
It’s under 'Interface"

Default behavior may have changed with a new version of KDE. However you can establish both settings by clicking the other option in the said menu and the button “Apply”. I checked and found selecting double click adds the following line:

karl@leap154:~> grep -i single .config/kdeglobals  

Selecting single click removes this line. Using obsolete configuration files adds some extra fun.

The big ? here is of course:

Recently my one click behaviour …

As I read this, the OP has even no idea when it happened (apparently it took a considerable time after he experienced this for the first time before he even thought that something was strange, and may be it then again took a considerable time before he posted here). So most probably he, let alone we, can connect the change with anything (update, config meddling, …) or give much more information then this. Result: a flood of well meant advice, based on vagueness. >:(

You are misrepresenting some of the posts. Post #10 isn’t based on vagueness. I made the change and tested the behaviour. There is certainty: Whatever changed the behaviour switching between the two alternatives takes effect. It works as advertised. No big question mark with regard to the functioning of the current version of KDE.

On both of my existing Leap 15.4 machines which are set to single click “kdeglobals” contains the line “SingleClick=true”.

From System Settings, changing to double click sets that entry to “false”, double click works as expected.

Changing back to single click, as you observed, the line “SingleClick=false” is removed, but in this case the behaviour was unchanged, a double click was still required. The only way I was able to re-enable single click was to manually add back the line “SingleClick=true”.

The post in itself is not based on vagueness (as all answers here are based on facts). But as an answer to a very vague problem description, it is based on that vagueness.

I ran the test on Tumbleweed, which is default here. When I booted into Leap I checked for the change, but missed to run the test again.:frowning:

Meanwhile… I just tested (Leap 15.4) with a new user and it does indeed work as advertised… So just what legacy setting(s) still exist elsewhere I don’t know… Not going to worry about it.


** Conclusion: Users experiencing issues with the GUI are advised to run tests with a pristine user first. Always start from an empty home directory. Never reuse an existing directory.**

And so back to the OP…


Check the [KDE] section of “~/.config/kdeglobals” to see if the line “SingleClick=true” is present, if it’s not then add that line. (If it exists as “SingleClick=false” then change to “true”) Whilst it may not be the most elegant solution, and somewhat ignores the root cause of the issue, it may well restore single click functionality.

Hi Paul,
Many thanks. What is strange is that neither my TW laptop nor my 15.4 workstation have ./config/kdeglobals, both have ./config/kdedefaults/kdeglobals and neither have any mention of single click or indeed any other. Here is what I have in kdeglobals:-




However this 15.4 machine, on which I am typing this, is working with single click. The laptop TW not.

I do accept that I may have made an error when doing a new installation but most of this work was done when I installed NVMe drives and thought I had rebuilt my home directory. It is true the laptop could be slightly damaged but as usual no time to investigate at present.

I will try your work around on the problem system and will look at the other machines when I have time.

My laptop is the only one now running TW so perhaps I have missed something but I would be interested to learn why the kdeglobals is not where everybody else suggests it should be. I may have some work to do repairing my KDE systems!!!

Thanks again Paul and Karl.

Configuration files are essential for the GUI to function properly. However developers exhibit a mothereffing attitude towards their users when it comes to documentation of these files. Host erlangen has
KDE / Tumbleweed / multiuser and its /home folder holds several instances of directory kdedefaults the oldest being created in February: Birth: 2022-02-09 21:18:57.892000462.

Whenever tinkering with a configuration file such as kdeglobals search your system for further instances:

erlangen:~ # find /etc /usr /home -name kdeglobals 
erlangen:~ #