I can’t help with the compilation of that utility, and you may be better off getting support from the site that you downloaded it from.
In general most usb wireless broadband devices can be got working if the stoarge device interface can be shutdown, allowing the modem interface to be exposed. Did you get usb_modeswitch-data and usb_modeswitch packages installed ok?
However as a first go: I suggest just plugging the device in; and it should give an icon on the desktop; right-click; select EJECT:
(if you open a terminal before doing this, and type lsusb, first ID should be fff5; after issuing the eject and typing lsusb again, it should show ffff)
after selecting eject, you should be able to go to network manager (NM), and configure the device by right-clicking on NM;
OpenSuse does not provide the preloaded apn settings that other distros do: eg all the ubuntu derivatives, so you need to know what your apn setting is:
looks like a CDMA system, so your provider will have given you a specific username and password? (instead of you having a simcard ??)