Configure YAST2 to resume download after internet disconect

Hallo!I have been using Opensuse 10.3 for sometime now.I usually use YAST2 to download,install and update rpm software from online repositories.

Unfortunately,I use a slow and unreliable internet connection.Whenever I download an rpm e.g. of 100MB via YAST2 and in the middle of the download my internet is disconnected,I am forced to re-start the entire download from scratch.A very frustrating exercise!!??

Thus,is there a way one can configure YAST2 such that should a download be halted in the middle,YAST2 can keep the downloaded resource in some buffer so that one will simply resume the download from where it stopped when internet connection is resumeds (eg. the way Intenet Download Manager does it in Windows)?

Please respond to my inquiry as soon as possible and I shall be infinitely grateful.Thanks in advance.