I tried that and it saw my External Drive (Maxtor 1-touch 100 gig usb)and allowed me to access my files. Question I have is will I have to run that script everytime I need to access that drive? I am new to linux- got tired of patching my Windows machine so made the switch a few months back. Tried several flavors & stuck w/ Open Suse as it was the first to see both my flash & external drives. When I switched from 10.3 to 11., it didnt see my External drive anymore. Actually it saw the drive, it powered up,and a message frame opened wanting to know if it should open up a new window showing my files. When I clicked ok it gave me the error message & didnt like the FTS drive. Thanks for your time.
Before my internet went down yesterday so I couldn’t answer your posts me and a friend of mine ran a similar command as you oldcpu and got both disks to accept downloads (for now at least).
However; I still got this anyoning “The file or folder /media/mybook/folder does not exist” problem left with some of my files and folders. We have eliminated so many problems untill now so I think that with your help we can solve this to. Thankyou.
malcolmlewis: I didn’t understand the command but I will think about the casesensitivity next time I write something to one of my disks.
I was thinking the same as alextroy. Is there a way to automount the disks at bootup?
And oldcpu; thank you for the guide my repostiories are now set up.
This reads to me like it is either:
a. permission related (ie you saved files as user root, and now a regular user can not access them), or
b. this is application specific, and unless I am familiar with the application, I may not be able to answer your question.
Please note, NEVER log into your GUI as user root. NEVER. It will cause you more problems downstream than you, as a newbie, can imagine. Users who think they are being “clever” by logging in as root all the time are simply deluding themselves, and illustrating either a lack of understanding (or illustrating poor judgment) as to why things are done the way they are done in Linux.
I’ll reiterate one of the earlier posts about case and spaces.
Windows pays little attention to case, but Linux is very picky. Windows has no trouble with names containing spaces, but Linux doesn’t like them. In Linux, a space means a separate thing. Whoever made the “My Book” drive doesn’t care about Linux, and assumes everyone will be using Windows. When you use the “My Book” you will have a small fight every time.
For the most part, if you are using a graphical file management tool, once the thing is mounted, there shouldn’t be that much trouble. If you are typing commands in a terminal, you’ll have to be careful to type it with quotation marks so Linux will know what you mean:
cp file.txt "/media/My Book/folder"
This will move the file to where you want. You pretty much have to use quotation marks when there is a space, and you must use caps when the disk itself uses them.
One of my memory sticks is named “TOSHIBA” – very annoying because I have to type in all caps from the commandline.
I have tried a) so it must be b) cause I only have this problem with the Mybook drives, not the NTFS drive. Is there a commando to see what needs to be seen about the Mybook drives in order to solve the problem? Thanks for all the help again and again.
GOOD news evryone! I know the diffrens between folders and files that will open and those who won’t. All folders and files with the three swedish letters å, ä and/or ö that doesn’t exist in english won’t open and all folders and files without å,ä and/or ö will. I changed my language in opensuse to Swedish to see if this would work but sadly not. Do you think I should reinstal opensuse with Swedish or do you have any other sugestions? It’s so close now.
When I run my external harddrive on a windows machine and change the name of the folers/files, that didn’t work on opensuse, to only english symbols; then I can open those folders/files, that I couldn’t open before, in opensuse to.
Any sugestions of how to solve this problem other than just changing all my folders/files names?
Okej, so you don’t think a comand like this will work? “for from in $(ls | egrep “å|ä|ö]”); do to=$(echo $from | sed -e “s/å|ä]/a/” -e “s/ö/o/”); mv “$from” “$to”;done”