I can boot fine after a fresh install, but I do have to hit Ctrl + Alt + F7 to get the login screen. Once logged in I try to run updates with “zypper update”, at a random point it just stop working, my screen is stuck in place, the mouse doesn’t move, keyboard does nothing. I’ve tried Ctrl + Alt + F1-F7 but nothing responds. Holding the power button down to turn it off results in it not booting again as nouveau throws out a million SCHED ERROR’s than reboots a second later.
System Specs: Acer Aspire V15 Nitro Black Edition
The first time I installed Leap 42.1 it worked fine and updated properly, I just had problems installing nvidia drivers and had to reinstall the whole system. Now every time I can’t get past the system updates without it becoming unusable and I don’t know why.
why reinstall?
there are a few things to try before a reinstall.
did you install using btrfs for root (the default) if so, at the boot screen select an older snapshot then install bumblebee.
only reinstall if the file system is corrupted if not there are other things that you can try (like booting with nomodset or booting in text mode)
I used ext4 for both / and /home because they are what I’ve always used. I’ve tried hitting Ctrl + Alt + F1 to enter command line during boot, but the errors from nouveau just force a restart too fast.
You can get to a terminal by at the boot screen press e find line starting linux or linixefi go to true end of the line (it wraps) enter a space and a 3 press F10 to continue boot. This should get to a terminal login. log in as root run yast remove all nvidia driver packages there are probably 5 all have nvidia in their names do not remove anything that does not have nvidia in the package name.
yes do the above, but as you’re not using nvidia I’m thinking your system probably got messed up when you interrupted the update, so first try and complete the update
zypper clean
zypper up
if that does not help do a dup with the update and the main oss repo’s
zypper lr -d
see the repository numbers for the update and the oss repo
zypper dup --from <insert update repo #> --from <insert oss repo #>
that should redownload all missing packages.
Must have gotten confused thought this thread the OP had installed the normal NVIDIA driver. it is such a common mistake. In any case you can get to command line you can do anything that needs doing,.
The first time I installed Leap 42.1 it worked fine and updated properly, I just had problems installing nvidia drivers and had to reinstall the whole system. Now every time I can’t get past the system updates without it becoming unusable and I don’t know why.
so it probably is nvidia, the OP needs to remove the nvidia repo if he runs zypper dup to get missing packages the nvidia drivers will get pulled too.
basically he should boot to run level 3, remove the nvidia repo, uninstall nvidia drivers, try to finish the update he interrupted, if that doesn’t work he should try zypper dup wityh the update and the main repo’s to get missing packages.
If he gets in graphical mode he should install bumblebee according to the opensuse SDB
I’ve at the point of disabling nouveau and rebooting. No more nouveau errors during boot and Ctrl + Alt + F7 brings up the login screen now. I’m doing the kernel devel install and I hope it doesn’t lock up again. I think the lock up was because of nouveau, but I’ll find out soon. Thanks all of you for the help so far, didn’t have to reinstall following the command line instructions.