Hi everyone! I can’t use compiz and i was wondering how i could activate it. I use suse 11 but my pc it’s not connected on the internet.
Open the application menu and search for Desktop Effects. When you open the Desktop Effects window, there will be a checkbox on the top-left of the window called Enable desktop effects. Check that and your desktop may lock up for a second while the effects are enabled, and then you can choose the amount of animation you want from the dropdown menu and with all the tabs.
I’m not sure but i think that this option is not availiable (i’m not infront of my pc at this moment.). I have not install the driver for my graphics card yet. Could this be the problem??
Yep, no drivers could definitely cause that.
Just install the 1-click installer (it’ll walk you through it) and then restart your computer.
Log back in and open a terminal.
Login as root (su command) and run sax2 -r
When Sax2 loads, make sure that Activate 3D Acceleration is checked on the bottom of the window. Once you do that, save the settings. Now you have to restart X-Server: to do this, run nit 3 in a terminal window (NOTE that any unsaved information will be lost and you will not be able to keep Firefox open). While you’re in the CLI, login with your username and then enter your password. Lastly, run startx or init 5 (both will do the same function).
Then do the desktop effects thing.
Hope that helps.
I downloaded this one Linux Display Driver - x86
I 'll compile the kernel.
i think it’s the right one. Thank you for your help!
No Problem. Gladto help.
I manage to install the nvidia driver and activate the desktop effects but i din’t change the window manager to compiz. There are some problem though some effects doesnt work and my system froze 2-3 times and needed to reboot. After i change the windows manager to compiz the desktop effects didn’t work at all. Any suggestions?
Are you sure that when you ran Sax2 that the 3D Acceleration check is checked if it is available. Also, how did you install Compiz, by the way: manual or the 1-click installer?
Check the note here Nvidia Installer HOWTO for SUSE LINUX users
NOTE: There is no need to try to enable 3D support. It’s already
enabled, when the nvidia driver is running.
But i’ll check it. I think that compiz is installed by default on suse 11 so i din’t install anything, if you are asking about the nvidia driver i compiled the kernel manually.