Compiz+oxygen broke. Lost borders. Reloaded X, got plastique

Hello, I’m not sure what I was doing, maybe something with Google Analytics, and my window borders dropped out. I logged out and logged back in and got Plastique borders instead of oxygen. Compiz still loaded. I seem to recall having this issue on another box and fixing it, but I can’t remember what I did, and a few hours with Dr Google hasn’t helped much.

I got compiz with oxygen back again with the compiz-fusion icon, but that wasn’t necessary before, and it isn’t necessary on the other, identical box. I have tried renaming the .kde and .kde4 directories and reloading, but that got me essentially a blank slate new user style layout.

I would be okay with adding the compiz-fusion icon to my autostart, but I’m not sure how to do that. I tried adding a symlink in ~/.kde/Autostart to compiz-fusion. Here’s the line I tried:

> ln -s /usr/bin/X11/compiz-fusion compiz-fusion

but that didn’t work.

Any advice on either 1) just straight fixing this or 2) getting the compiz-fusion icon to autostart with KDE would be greatly appreciated.

Update: I moved the symbolic link from ~/.kde/Autostart/ to ~/.kde4/Autostart, and all is well, though I still wonder why I should need the compiz-fusion icon now, but didn’t before.