Compiz - no window decorations for compiz in 11.3, kde4

After “focusing on usability”, now the distribution is for “open minds”. However, reading the posts of some moderators I feel like an “open idiot”. I am not particularly intelligent, but such arguing could be a provocation for some users. So, I take the liberty to inform about Compiz the Community members who are interested.

According with a moderator in the German forum, hi has the task to repackage Compiz for OpenSuse 11.3. The process is not yet finished, fusion-icon will be finished pretty soon, but emerald will need longer. Hi stressed that hi has also a private life, what I understand very well being an aspiring open mind. :slight_smile:
Next time, the Moderators could also answer with “I don’t know” what should be understandable by open minds.

By the way, in my opinion the KDE compiz is inferior. I don’t like the KDE window decorations and I use the Compiz zoom functions to see better some videos.

Concerning the “Cube”…

ehm, it’s not really my task :smiley:
packages are finished though :wink: Index of /repositories/home:/lOtz1009:/emerald

Feel free to test. Working on my computers…

Will give it a try and ehm, Thanks!

Works a treat very grateful for the update!

Thank you very much lotz1009 for working on these packages. Would you mind if I include a new post in my guide that includes how to use emerald and fusion-icon from your repositories?

Take Care,


Has anyone got the window deco working in 11.4?

I followed different procedures, including Installing and Configuring Compiz but the window deco just won’t start.

I tried compiz 0.9.2 packages and 0.9.4 packages, same results.
I tried with nouveau video drivers as well as nVIDIA’s drivers, same results.

The thing is, compiz has many productivity features I need to use (including the Window Rules and Place Windows plug-ins, which are very very useful for me). KWin is far from there.


I have a gut feeling missing deco is not due to drivers.
I have not tried it yet on 11.4. I’ll take a look today and let you know
how it worked for me.
By the way is using emerald as window manager an option for you?

emerald --replace
command in windows decoration tab
usually worked with no problems.

Well the problem comes from there: there is no “emerald” basic package in the 11.4 repos.

Not here Index of /repositories/X11:/Compiz/openSUSE_11.4
Not here either Index of /repositories/home:/lOtz1009:/emerald/openSUSE_11.4
And not here as well Index of /repositories/home:/lOtz1009:/emerald/openSUSE_Factory
Packman also does not provide emerald PackMan :: Search results

So I wanted to keep kde4-window-deco so that I can at least use the potential of compiz, but there I came to the point where the deco does not start, or crashes after trying to start. I can post errors for sure, but before I wanted to know if anyone had compiz with deco (whichever ones) working in 11.4 KDE4.6. :slight_smile:

ok, Here we are i got it to work in some rather nasty way … KDE windows decorator crashes as it is written in our compiz wiki.

  1. install compiz with compiz-gnome.
  2. start ccsm click on plugins you want to use including windows decoration plugin and add command gtk-window-decorator -replace
  3. go to kde system settings (default aplications) and set compiz as default window/session manager.

It worked for me BUT. Kde4.6 is ‘RESISTING’ this kind of ‘rape’ : kickoff aplication launcher not really working though alt+F2 works fine
and i guess there will be other not pleasant surprises. so … it’s sad story here form my point of views. Kwin is dominating and
I’m not sure here’s ‘clean fight here’…

I figure this walk around from compiz wiki

That’s sad, I really don’t like that, KWin is not yet ready to overtake Compiz.

How will I have my windows to always open in the specified viewports/workspaces, with specific size/geometry and specific place (X,Y) on screen if I don’t use Compiz? Unless there is another application doing that, I may google around and see.

Also Kwin does not have the effect for which you scroll your mouse button on the title bar and it scrolls up and down the window but keeps the title bar visible. I use that feature a lot, could not find anything comparable in KWin.

I will try to dig more and see who can do what to have Compiz working in KDE4.6.


This may work, I have not tried yet

OpenSuse 11.4 and Emerald :slight_smile:


Other option is that it as well might me only matter of time
when compiz repository for 11.4 will be ready and things are back
on track. I i recall wright there’s been always delays with repositories
after a fresh opensuse release.

there are reports compiz runs well on fedora with KDE 4.6.

Possible, yes. That would be the simplest and best solution. lol :slight_smile:

Compiz is already part of the 11.4 repos, though. Emerald is not maintained anymore, so I doubt Packman, X11Compiz or opensuse repos would keep it. This is why the other repo was used, maybe a matter of time before emerald is part of it and then maybe it will work. Let’s be a little patient yes, but I will still give a try and install 0.8.6 from 11.2 repos, just in case.

This does exist in KDE without using Compiz (I use it a lot too). It is called shading/unshading. Have a look at: Personal Settings > Window Behavior > Window Behavior > Titlebar Actions *
and assign ‘Shade/Unshade’ to ‘Titlebar Wheel Event’.

  • (Alternatively: Alt+F2 and “kcmshell4 kwinoptions” almost gets you there too)

And windows can be configured in KWin to always open at a given location, with a given geometry, on a given desktop etc and so on, and so forth: Personal Settings > Window Behavior > Window Rules
(Alternatively: Alt+F2 and “kcmshell4 kwinrules”)

Yes you are right, I forgot to post here when I found it this morning. :slight_smile:

Actually, since at least KDE4.4 there is the option to set specific window position/size using Kwin.

Window-specific options in KDE 4.4

I completely forgot about this one. I will try if it works well with KDE4.6. If yes, then there is only one or two plug-ins of Compiz I would really miss, but at least I could I think have 11.4 KDE4.6 running with the compromise.

Hi, i got Compiz 0.9.4 to work. It’s not really stable but looks promising.
Compiz repository Index of /repositories/X11:/Compiz/openSUSE_11.4
do not forget kde4-window-decorator -replace in decoration plugin. And I have Dbus plugin enabled among the others.
Also important to configure ccsm plugins berofe enabling compiz as default window manager.
windows decoration can crash every now and then leaving you without keyboard fuctioning but mouse is alive so one can restart.
That’s it for now :).