compiz messin up firefox...

I am having trouble with compiz and firefox…
What happens is… Whenever I have compiz turned on, and open firefox… The border disappears… therefore I cannot minimise/maximise or close it off at the top right hand corner…

when i turn compiz off it goes back to normal… Anybody got any idea how to fix this issue with compiz/firefox?

p.s… compiz does not affect anything else that is open… such as folders/programs… only firefox…


found this link
[ubuntu] No Firefox window borders [Archive] - Ubuntu Forums](

the last comment fixed my issue by adding:
any | class=Firefox

into the compiz settings/window decoration option under
decoration windows

worked like a charm… but its a bug in compiz that still hasn’t been fixed… its been around for a long time.


i take that back… it didn’t fix the problem… it started again…

however, i found that if I press F11 twice, the window border re appears and everything is normal again…
so far this is the best fix that works :slight_smile:
