So I went and downloaded the most recent Compiz, but when I try to load
either CCSM or simple-ccsm I get a loading symbol for a moment and then
nothing happens… Any ideas? Also how do I know if my GFX driver is
install properly?
First of all - read this: ‘Compiz - openSUSE’
( After properly setting up your graphic
card driver (best is NVIDIA) you should be able to accomplish the task
via simple one-click install.
If you want proper help, please tell us your exact OpenSuse version
and wether you are using the KDE or Gnome Desktop environment.
I have my GFX drivers installed now (it shows the NVidia logo when I
boot), how ever I think I think I know why it is not loading Compiz, I
tried reinstalling it and it tells me it is missing some dependencies,
namely python < 2.6 and how can I go about
getting these? I have used Ubuntu/Fedora before this so I know my way
around some… and this is kinda a stupid question but where is the
You can find the terminal by typing clicking on the opensuse button
(down in gthe left hand corner) and typing “terminal”. To install python
and libgnome, your first place to look at should be YAST. Open it via
the menue (down the left side) and search it.
Better don’t use 'exact" names - just type “python” and after selecting
that one to install type “libgnome”. Both should be found.