I’ve used Suse for years since SuSE 5. 113 see breakages and unable to run it properly and it always took 2 days hacking about to get it stable. I’m using 114, It had problems if you switched users with the f keys. Then an update fix that, the latest batch of updates has broken all kinds of things including compiz again.
SuSE: 114 - 64 - Compiz - White or odd colored boxes around dialogues, tooltips and the menubar. Hangs up after reboot and log in.
Machine: AMDx6, Geforce 89xx video card
Tried: every variant of GOx and Nvidia drivers.
Is there anyway of staging the updates to the point were it did work ???
Open to Suggestions as it appears I will have to finally abandon SuSE, openSuse or whatever its called this week?
I kinda hacked off and angry with things that were not broken getting broken by fixes. Bandwidth here is expensive and slow, and it seems SuSE is competing with MS to provide the biggest daily updates? Perhaps its time to find a new OS?