COMPIZ - Broken by updates

I’ve used Suse for years since SuSE 5. 113 see breakages and unable to run it properly and it always took 2 days hacking about to get it stable. I’m using 114, It had problems if you switched users with the f keys. Then an update fix that, the latest batch of updates has broken all kinds of things including compiz again.


SuSE: 114 - 64 - Compiz - White or odd colored boxes around dialogues, tooltips and the menubar. Hangs up after reboot and log in.
Machine: AMDx6, Geforce 89xx video card

Tried: every variant of GOx and Nvidia drivers.

Is there anyway of staging the updates to the point were it did work ???

Open to Suggestions as it appears I will have to finally abandon SuSE, openSuse or whatever its called this week?

I kinda hacked off and angry with things that were not broken getting broken by fixes. Bandwidth here is expensive and slow, and it seems SuSE is competing with MS to provide the biggest daily updates? Perhaps its time to find a new OS?

On 08/18/2011 12:46 PM, systemdown wrote:
> Then an update fix that, the latest batch of updates has broken
> all kinds of things including compiz again.

i’ve not used compiz in years…do you really need to?

> Is there anyway of staging the updates to the point were it did work
> ???

sure! you can do that…you can always undo an update…(but, you knew
that! anyone using this distro since S.u.S.E. Linux 5.x without having
ever needed to post a question to the fora before, knows full well how
to backlevel!)

> Open to Suggestions

based on the scarce info provided, i guess the latest kernel (last
week) broke your graphics driver…

as you should expect it to if you had previously compiled and
installed a proprietary nVidia driver (new kernel requires a new
compile…every time)

i guess if you work though this you might
be able to fix it…though that guide does not assume your previous
“Tried: every variant of GOx and Nvidia drivers.” didn’t leave your
system hopelessly crippled…

> as it appears I will have to finally abandon SuSE,
> openSuse or whatever its called this week?

OH! i am so sorry you are in a bad mood today…no, this week it is
not: SuSE, SUSE, S.u.S.E., OpenSuse, OpenSUSE, OpenSuSE, openSuSE, or

this week it is (as has been since 2006) openSUSE…

> Perhaps its time to find a new OS?

sure, there are lots available…try them all…i hope you find one that
suits you…

openSUSE®, the “German Engineered Automobile” of operating systems!

DD thanks for the reply… “OH! i am so sorry you are in a bad mood today…”. Yeah to **** right. Sadly in UK every one seems quick to sell you broadband but few companies can actually provide it:( Taken 5 days to slow progress.

Problem solved! The broken upgrade was on the Nvidia update. The latest version 275.21.x appears to have problems. Here its a slow frustrating process to download anything, 14hrs to download the latest, and 2 hrs to to the basic security updates. 20 hrs latter same result! This problem effects the live and 32bit versions of 114 I found out the hard way.

My Solution:
Fresh install 114-64 plus security patches, all upgrades if there not going to be outdated by the time you download them :slight_smile:

Download from Nvidia the 280.13 version to root, chmod 777 NV*

Include your ‘kernel-source’, ‘make’ and ‘gcc’ packages with YaST2.

Add the Nvidia repository to yast, for 89xx card it should recommend…

UNCHECK - xorg-x11-driver-video-nouveau

Let it install and reboot…
Back to your terminal ctrl-alt f1,
init 3
rcxdm stop
./ -K
Follow the prompts…

If you messed up and nouveau is installed try…

echo “blacklist nouveau” > /etc/modprobe.d/nvidia.conf

recreate initrd without KMS, if the use of KMS is enabled in initrd

if grep -q NO_KMS_IN_INITRD=“no” /etc/sysconfig/kernel; then
sed -i ‘s/NO_KMS_IN_INITRD.*/NO_KMS_IN_INITRD=“yes”/g’ /etc/sysconfig/kernel

If all is done… init 5
setup a second user with compiz enabled and ctrl-alt fx between them and the corruption should be banished.

In years gone by I’ve done my bit for openSUSE® community. Sadly later in life when debilitating illness is making it all most impossible to use a computer I personal find compiz helpful. Cheers

There are very good reasons why kernel developers will never look at a system
where the kernel is tainted by loading a closed-source driver. This thread shows

I got slammed by the latest update to 11.4 and -NEED- to roll it back. I had just gotten everything running -JUST SO- and now my VirtualBox (where I run my Windows VM) has stopped running which has killed the usefulness of my linux desktop. I will now have to go back to Windows exclusively until this is fixed. I hope a rollback will work and I have -NEVER- rolled back. I have used the SuSE distro since 9.x and have never had to.

How can I roll back to a previous -WORKING- version of my 11.4 openSuSE 64-bit install ? I really need this to work. Googling backlevel and rollback gives me no good instructions (except for Ubuntu).


P.S. Compiz has -MANY- productivity uses that you may not see but others become dependent on.

This update has killed my screen lock and screen saver. I have not had time to see what else has been scragged.

hi systemdown,
“and I use compiz since years”.
actually I use the last compiz version under kde 4.7, of course by suse 114.
may I help you?

Not much going on: you have updated the kernel, now the Vbox kernel module needs to be rebuilt. Should be in the repos already, but if you want to be a bit more independent, download Vbox at and install it according to instructions. Then in case of a new kernel, and thus the need to recompile the kernel module, no more than:

su -c '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'
(enter rootpassword)

in a terminal window. Leave defaults when asked for anything, and you’ll end up with a working VirtualBox on your updated kernel.