Compile error: No 'cairo-dock' package found


I have spent many hours trying to find the problem. The guys on Glx-Dock / Cairo-Dock - Home for cairo-dock are unsure what the problem is and I have posted a reply to a similar problem on linuxquestion (but that guy didn’t have the file that I do have and it was on a Slackware forum oops ;)).

I am trying to compile cairo-dock, the best dock for linux to my opinion and some magazine’s opinion. I use it as a rpm from packman, but since I am helping the guys develop it for kde, I need to compile the bzr versions to test different things. I am able if I virtualize Kubuntu, so why not in opensuse?? I know package names are quite different, but I think the problem is not a dependency. Sure you’ll say “why don’t you use kubuntu if it works?” Cuz in Vbox I didn’t succeed making 3d acceleration work and I need to test it with opengl.

I am in opensuse 11.2 64-bits.


      No 'cairo-dock' package found

I do have cairo-dock.pc in /usr/lib/pkgconfig


A CAT shows this:

prefix = /usr
exec_prefix = ${prefix}
libdir = ${exec_prefix}/lib
includedir = ${prefix}/include

Name: cairo-dock
Description: An eye-candy fully animated and configurable dock.
Requires: gtk+-2.0 gthread-2.0 cairo librsvg-2.0 dbus-1 dbus-glib-1 libxml-2.0 xrender gtkglext-1.0 xtst xcomposite xinerama 
Libs: -L${libdir}
Cflags: -I${includedir}/cairo-dock -I${includedir}/cairo-dock/cairo-dock
Version: 2.1.4-0alpha0 

I realized that if I install 2.1.1 from packman repo and then I compile a newer version ON TOP of 2.1.1, it works (but I get no plug-ins (there are 2 packages, CD and CD-plug-ins, the first compiles no error) cuz you NEED to uninstall before compiling, so it’s a no go this way). When CD is not installed from repo and I compile clean, I always get that error when compiling the 2nd package, the plug-ins.

Any expert in compilation processes?


Ok the slackers on linuxquestions answered and asked me to try something I can’t.

But he said the program is looking in …/lib though my OS is 64-bits…

So I had the idea to simply copy /usr/lib/pkgconfig/cairo-dock.pc to /usr/lib64/pkgconfig and you know what, it worked!!! That simple! :slight_smile:

Now is that a CD develop problem to fix or an opensuse compiler problem?

Now is that a CD develop problem to fix or an opensuse compiler problem?

I suppose it was a problem of missing header-files. Did you install ‘cairo-dock-devel’ before compiling the source?

cairo-dock-devel has been uninstalled before I compiled the bzr version. I tried to compile as fresh as I could.

Fresh? Hm…

I try to compile with no cairo-dock file on my machine, only using the cairo-dock-core and cairo-dock-plugins packages from bzr.

Apparently I would have to declare --libdir during the make of cairo-dock.

Or maybe adding the following either in bash.rc or during the make, not sure which one:

export PKG_CONFIG_PATH=$PKG_CONFIG_PATH:/usr/lib/pkgconfig

You should note that devel-packages only contain the header-files and other needed items for developing an application, not the actual application.

Ok, so this mean since I am only testing the application/version that has been developed and I am not coding/developing it, I assume I do not need the cairo-dock-devel package.

The word “developing” might be more narrow than I thought, sorry.

If the configure-script (or any other test-script which is looking for needed packages / libs) can not find certain files (because there are no files providing the info where to find these), you will need to install the respective devel-package. ./configure complaining about missing packages although they are installed is a classic, and this is usually solved by installing the devels. Otherwise the source won’t get compiled.

Ok, tnx for that. :slight_smile: