Community repos problem ?

hi everyone,
I’m having problems whe trying to activate the community repos, yast complains about being unable to download list of repositories or no repositories defined …
I was following ‘howtoforge’ guide to perfect desktop of opensuse 11.3 … are they missing anything ?
thanx in advance …

If i am getting you correctly, Community repos are removed/changed to Extra repos.
KDE repositories - openSUSE

Thank you very much for your reply …
I’m importing them now, but does this mean that ‘community repositories’ that show up in yast don’t work any more ?

The Kde community repo doesn’t work anymore for about 2 weeks. I removed it.

Yup, it does not exist anymore, so better to remove it.


Thank you very much for your replies.

Indeed. The list is downloaded from and if you try to access it from your browser you will receive an error 403.

If the problem started recently it probably is caused by Re: [opensuse-buildservice] some obs repos broken? Give them some days to fix it.

Now it’s fixed…