Command line tutorials/practice


I need to improve my command line/ terminal skills, and I’m more of a learn-by-doing guy. Is there any practice commands or anything you could recommend trying? Is there any homework or assignments that some of you had from a linux class that I could use as practice? Like I said, it takes alot for me to learn by reading… I would like to learn more about package management, file manipulation, and anything else that may be beneficial. Thanks guys!

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I have a habit I use to kill time in airports when I don’t feel like
paying for non-free network access… Start with ‘a’ (or wherever you
left off) and type it at a terminal. Press [Tab] twice, and know what
all the commands there do before moving on to ‘b’. To learn more about
them ask them what they do, or use man pages:

man a2p
a2p --help #doesn’t actually work with this example because of what the
program does, it seems.

I have found some definite gems this way… for example, ‘vimtutor’ was
one I used to remember old ‘vi’ switches and also learn a few new
tricks. A great one to play with. Of course you always have the
classics… sed, awk, grep, perl, wc, top, ps, cat, less, vi, bc, cut,
and several others. You could pick up a pocket reference from O’Reilly
to see if it has some you don’t recognize, but there are too many to
just lump together, imo. I’d start with what you know and try to learn
others. Use Google to see how people get creative with them.

Good luck.

behemoth8186 wrote:
> Hi,
> I need to improve my command line/ terminal skills, and I’m more of a
> learn-by-doing guy. Is there any practice commands or anything you could
> recommend trying? Is there any homework or assignments that some of you
> had from a linux class that I could use as practice? Like I said, it
> takes alot for me to learn by reading… I would like to learn more
> about package management, file manipulation, and anything else that may
> be beneficial. Thanks guys!
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Thanks for the input - I’ve been thinking about getting a pocket guide for learning commands.

My suggestion to you is if you want some practice with using commands and you want a guide on it. You should try Linux For Dummies. It will give you some things to try out.

Here’s an online tute which can also be purchased as a book.

LINUX: Rute User’s Tutorial and Exposition

I hadn’t noticed this explanation of rute before. Cute.

You can find out what book a person needs by asking the question, “Do you want to be a Muggle or a Wizard?”

(1) If they answer “Wizard”, then you give them Rute.

(2) If they answer “Muggle”, then you give them “Linux for Dummies.”

(3) If they answer “What’s a Muggle?”, then you give them “Harry Potter”.

Sorry about the comment. I know what a muggle is (a Non-Magical Being) I’ve seen and read Harry Potter.

(after visiting website)
Ok yeah that’s pretty funny

Thanks guys for the input…I’ve never bought a ‘Dummies’ book before - although I really don’t want to be a Muggle! rotfl!