hello everybody!
This is just basic script, where i try to modify for the needs. I try to play with it. i want to parse some data. The whole script has three parts:
Note: This thread takes up some great help of a very very gentil and supportive user:mmarif4u see the following thread here: @ mmarif4u many many thanks to you!!
database connection - how to store the datas of a parser in a MySQL_DB?
the three parts are:
- Fetching
- parsing
- storing
i want to put all into one script: Two are allready put together - there all seems to be clear…
So this thread is one that asks for the combining two parts of a script - how to invoke a variable between them
What has happened untill now: **
1st i need to have a connection to database lets say MySQL. I will suggest to use mysqli instead of mysql.
Well - okay i safe this db.php
$host="localhost"; //database hostname
$username="******"; //database username
$password="******"; //database password
$database="******"; //database name
Now i am going to take a new script and save this config.php
require_once('db.php'); //call db.php
$connect=mysqli_connect($host,$username,$password); //connect to mysql through mysqli
die("Cannot connect to host, please try later."); //throw error if any problem
$select_db=mysqli_select_db($database); //select database
die("Site Database is down at the moment, Please check later. We will be back shortly."); // error if cannot connect to database or db does not exist
Now i have to take care for the script, that takes the files (note this is very basic - it is only a proof of concept.
In the real situation i will take cURL since cURL is much much nicer and more elegant and faster etc.
require_once('config.php'); // call config.php for db connection
$content = file_get_contents("**<-here the path to the file goes in-> Position XY! an URL is here **");
$pattern = '/<td>(.*?)<\/td>/si';
foreach ($matches[1] as $match) {
$match = strip_tags($match);
$match = trim($match);
$sql = mysqli_query("insert into tablename(contents) values ('$match')");
Note: This is just basic script, where you can modify it for your taste and can play with it.
Question: If i have stored the URLs that i want to parse in a local file - how do i “call” them in the script.
How do i do the call to file where the URLs (there are more than 2500 URLs that have to be parsed) at the
following position: $content = file_get_contents("**<-here the path to the file goes in-> Position XY! an URL is here **");
The folder with the URLs is stored in the same folder as the scripts reside!
Many thanks for all hints and for a starting point!
if i have to write more - or if you need more infos - or if i have to be more concrete, just let me know!
i love to hear from you!