codecs: rpm checksum mismatch

When attempting the one click installation at, I got the following message:

The expected checksum of file /var/tmp/AP_0xXQj5vo/x86_64/gstreamer-plugins-libav-1.20.1-bp154.1.48.x86_64.rpm
is 2378385efe3d297d8fae65a1b7dcf879372f95546eb48b9744067db3eb29312b,
but the current checksum is 4fe12dcfd1c1b14b582eb25b46677a72354900aabaf797abee92ae503e5f187a.

The file has been changed by accident or by an attacker
since the repository creator signed it. Using it is a big risk
for the integrity and security of your system.

Use it anyway?

So, I said no. Was I supposed to say yes or what?

Oh, that thing – no, you shouldn’t positively respond to such events.

  • You really did choose the correct answer …

[HR][/HR]So, what is this “nothing to do with openSUSE” Internet presence attempting to do?

  • It’s attempting to install the following “can’t be supplied by openSUSE for licensing reasons
    ” packages –

[INDENT=2]ffmpeg-3 lame gstreamer-plugins-bad gstreamer-plugins-ugly gstreamer-plugins-ugly-orig-addon gstreamer-plugins-libav libavdevice57 libdvdcss2 vlc-codecs
So, where to get these packages?

  1. libdvdcss2
    ” – I prefer to load this thing from the people who wrote it – VideoLAN – for Leap 15.4 use this repository: <;. 1. The rest – load them from the Packman Repository – “Essentials
    ” is usually good enough for these needs: <;.

The relevant openSUSE SDB (Support Database) entries are:

There’s also this SDB for dealing with Firefox MP4/H.264 Video Support: <;.