Cmake needed for KDevelop?

I recently installed my first IDE for C++ (KDevelop) at openSUSE.
After choosing the project type (simple console) for Mr. Hello World,
the GUI pops up:
“Could not load project management plugin KDevCMakeManager.”
Tracing that I found
But there is no official cmake for openSUSE
So before me doing stupid things I better ask,
as I cannot image I should have to install a non-official
packet just to make the most-spreaded IDE work?

The question about the same topic isn’t of any help due to broken link

Strange…on every openSUSE Leap 15.6 system there is a complete set of cmake packages available…

test@leaptest:~> sudo zypper se -s *cmake*
Refreshing service 'NVIDIA'.
Refreshing service 'openSUSE'.
Loading repository data...
Reading installed packages...

S | Name                     | Type       | Version                | Arch   | Repository
  | cmake                    | package    | 3.28.3-150600.1.1      | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake-fedora             | package    | 2.9.3-150400.1.5       | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake-fedora-modules     | package    | 2.9.3-150400.1.5       | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake-full               | package    | 3.28.3-150600.1.2      | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake-gui                | package    | 3.28.3-150600.1.2      | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake-man                | package    | 3.28.3-150600.1.2      | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake3                   | package    | 3.20.0-150200.6.3.1    | x86_64 | update-sle (15.6)
  | cmake3                   | package    | 3.17.0-1.5.1           | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake3                   | srcpackage | 3.20.0-150200.6.3.1    | noarch | update-sle (15.6)
  | cmake3-full              | package    | 3.20.0-150200.6.3.1    | x86_64 | update-sle (15.6)
  | cmake3-full              | package    | 3.17.0-1.5.1           | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | cmake3-full              | srcpackage | 3.20.0-150200.6.3.1    | noarch | update-sle (15.6)
  | elementary-cmake-modules | package    | 0.1.0.bzr.25-bp156.3.1 | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | extra-cmake-modules      | package    | 5.115.0-150600.1.2     | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | extra-cmake-modules-doc  | package    | 5.115.0-150600.1.1     | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | gccmakedep               | package    | 1.0.3-1.22             | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | icmake                   | package    | 9.02.02-1.26           | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | ldas-tools-cmake         | package    | 1.1.1-bp156.2.1        | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | plplot-pyqt5-cmake       | package    | 5.15.0-bp156.7.3       | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)
  | shlomif-cmake-modules    | package    | 8f5acb6450c1-bp156.3.1 | noarch | repo-oss (15.6)
  | vala-cmake-modules       | package    | 3-bp156.3.2            | x86_64 | repo-oss (15.6)

s.o.o search has been broken for Leap since 15.3 and never really fixed.

I know. I wanted to show that no one should use s.o.o to search for any software…

sudo zypper se -s *cmake*

gives the same output with me - so cmake is installed.

But the main question remains:
What is missing at KDevelop when building a simple project
(project management plugin KDevCMakeManager)?

Please show the output of the command. If you have the “same” output, then no package is installed. There needs to be an “i” or “i+” in the status column of the output.

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If the “status column” is the first column (“S”)… (all blank),
then cmake is not installed with me either.

However first of all I checked “Discover” (Software Center)
and there was no simple “cmake” found…
But now in YaST2 there are the entries.
I won’t need all of them I guess?

I would always start with YaST > Software, it is the native system management tool of openSUSE.

Check the package cmake for installation. Others may then become selected as dependencies.

Doing this, everything does as expected. :grinning:

Still I wonder why there isn’t mentioned cmake as a prerequisite for KDevelop anywhere…

When I would turn developer, I would use YaST > Software Management, choose from the View menu the Patterns view. Scrolling down you see Development and down there is KDE Frameworks- and Plasma development. When selecting it, it shows cmake as one of the packages listed in that Pattern. Installing the Pattern will provide you with other packages that may come at hand when going for KDE development. It looks as all the thinking is already done.

Edit: Sorry, it seems that Kdevelop may have nothing to do with KDE development. But I guess you get the idea.

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