Closing Yast something segfaults?

Hi everybody.
When I am closing yast, from time to time I get this error. Although something segfaults the system seems to behave normally and I do not experience other issues…it seams. The error comes up in a small separate window. Yast stays operative.
Should I be worried about something? What is the system complaining about actually? Although this happens quite often, it does not happen always.

System is: 11.1 with
Linux linux-xu0v #1 SMP 2010-02-22 16:49:47 +0100 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
and KDE 3.5.10 (r87)
Yast: 2.17.69-0.1.1-x86_64

kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kbuildsycoca4 running…
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/kde4/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/kde4/
kdeinit4: preparing to launch /usr/lib64/
YaST got signal 11 at YCP file /usr/share/YaST2/clients/sw_single.ycp:587
/sbin/yast2: line 440: 4720 Segmentation fault $ybindir/y2base $module “$@” “$SELECTED_GUI” $Y2_GEOMETRY $Y2UI_ARGS


Same error here, with recent vanilla install of 11.1-i586 (not 64)

“YaST got signal 11 at YCP file /usr/share/YaST2/clients/sw_single.ycp:587”

every time I close yast module

Hi, I solved up to now the issue because I reinstalled the system from the scratch in i586. I did not re-experience this. My doubt is however that it has to do with the mixed kde3-4 setup of 11.1. Which kde version do you use, 3 or 4? and if components of both (probably like me you are doing this to workaround the bluetooth issue and some other things) which version of them.