My panel widgets refuse to show date or time. Nothing wrong with the time in the system settings, but the panel only displays 00:00 or nothing at all.
It started after a failed upgrade. I have retraced all changed, but apparently something is still missing. My problem is that I can’t figure out what package the widgets belong to, what’s missing or how they are supposed to access date/time info.
Sounds odd. I would check in software management that you don’t have a load of red packages.
it would be helpful if you post the result of this from a terminal:
Btw, why do you suggest different priority on the main repositories? Is it a general recommendation or just common sense? Have I been an idiot always prefering the main repository to other sources?
When you install openSUSE the OSS and NON-OSS would have been 120, Updates would be 20. (20) Is a higher priority than 120.
But once you add build service repo’s it tends to work better if the Update and Build service priority match. Always have OSS and NON-OSS lower priority (That’s a higher number!!)