Clock shows wrong time at boot

Whenever I boot 11.1/KDE4 the clock is 1 hour too fast. The variables in /etc/sysconfig/clock are set as follows:

Can anyone tell me how to fix this?

cjbrathw wrote:

> Whenever I boot 11.1/KDE4 the clock is 1 hour too fast. The variables
> in /etc/sysconfig/clock are set as follows:
> HWCLOCK="–localtime"
> SYSTOHC=“yes”
> TIMEZONE=“Europe/Amsterdam”
> DEFAULT_TIMEZONE=“Europe/Berlin”
> Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
> Thanks

Do you also boot into windows?

Sometimes depending how windows time is configured it will adjust the bios time.

or you can configure the Linux clock as UTC instead of localtime in yast.



Nil illegitimi carborundum

You can set the time at boot.
Go to Yast > Network services > NTP services and set up a time server


With all my SuSE11.0 and 11.1 installed into VMware VMs, I experienced what you describe. Don’t know whether it’s related to VMware or not(and don’t know how you’re setup).

I went through every possible setting in the OS tying the OS clock to the hardware clock, including Time Zone, but after a few minutes the changes would be undone. Other Windows OS running on the hardware report time correctly (and don’t change the hardware clock).

So, although it’s not recommended all my SuSE running in VMs now set their clocks using NTP (not hardware), it’s the only solution I’ve found that works.

Yes I too have experienced this. Install on desktop has no issue at all. Install on laptop (not dual boot) continually reports incorrect time after each boot.?? Done the usual dancing around but still cant resolve

Thanks for the responses. I´ve tried everything I can think of. My system has always been set up to use NTP. This worked perfectly until I installed 11.1.
I´ve checked NTP installation in Yast and according to the test there, everything is OK… the NTP server is reachable and is responding correctly.
In spite of this the clock gets set 1 hour ahead. It looks as if something is setting the clock to Summer time.
I am certain this is not the hardware clock acting funny…inspection of the bios shows that the machine clock is set correctly.
Very strange and annoying problem.

Hi all, I have a very similar problem on my OS11.1(gnome). My time settings are as follow:


Everytime the machine (Intel Quad 2.66G) reboots, the clock becomes slower by exactly 5 hours (I think it’s because my timezone is -5). I have virtualbox 2.1.2 installed, but disabling /etc/init.d/vboxdrv from auto running does not solve the problem. I can use netdate to reset the clock onboot but it bothers me a lot as I could not figure out what is causing this.

As a workaround I create this file

#! /bin/sh
# /etc/init.d/vvv
# Provides: vvv
# Required-Start: $network 
# Required-Stop: 
# Default-Start: 3 5
# Default-Stop: 
# Description: correct the time bug
netdate && hwclock --systohc

and add it to the runlevels

chmod +x /etc/init.d/vvv
chkconfig -a vvv
chkconfig vvv on

I have been having the same issue with OS11.1 KDE4 where the clock is almost always -5 hours after a reboot. My low-tech fix has been to open YAST and have the system synchronize with NTP server. This will set the hardware clock, but the clock on the status bar does wait a little while before it will show the correct time. Issuing the date command on a command line returns the correct time immediately after the time it has synced with ntp.

OS11.1 KDE4 dual boot with Windows XP on a laptop 2GB memory Core2 2.5

I also had this problem with openSuSE 11.0, luckily able to solved it.

First, try this:

# /etc/init.d/boot.clock start

then check if your clock is now corrected:

# date

if yes, the problem is at /etc/init.d/boot.clock (I think this is a problem). Backup this file first then open it with your editor, edit the default-start line to look like this:

# Default-Start: B 3 5 6 S

It’s working with my 11.0.

Oops…don’t forget to do this as root after editing boot.clock:

# insserv

I had similar issues after installing 11.1. I am also running dual boot Vista/openSUSE. I only use winDOHS! occassionally. In openSuSE I did not set UTC and did set NTP server which within YaST appeared to sync and function perfectly.

BUT, whenever I booted in to Linux my clock was 5 hours behind. I’d go in to YaST to reset time and simply by hitting Synchronize now and not changing the ntp server it would correct the time. I selected the option to show the log and in the boot section for ntp it shows a failure connecting to the ntp server on boot, and yet once booted and in YaST it would work fine.

After reporting to Novell on their support which is supposedly included if you buy the DVD retail version, and getting no response after over 2 weeks, I did the following.

I set Linux to use UTC and left it set to NTP, it would never go back to manual anyway. Then I booted windows which now showed the incorrect time. I went to Adjust Date/Time in Vista and selected Internet Time tab. On my install, it was set to use the server to reset the time. I deselected Use Internet time so that local time would be used.

Now when I boot either O/S the time appears correctly. May not work for all, but that’s how I solved mine.