Clock keeps resetting itself

Hello, hopefully someone can help me with this problem. I tried to adjust my system clock to daylight savings time, but now everytime I restart the computer it’s reset. For example, I set the clock to 11:40 AM, Mon. 15 Feb. Upon restart, it’s now 12:05 AM, Tue. 16 Feb. I’ve readjusted the clock several times, and it resets at every reboot.

Is there any way to fix this? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Oops, I meant that when I set the clock to March 15, it defaults back to Feb 16. My mistake.:stuck_out_tongue:

Okay… looks like it fixed itself. Turns out I actually was setting it to Feb 15. Setting it to March 15 fixed it.

Sorry :shame:

On Mon, 15 Mar 2010 15:46:02 GMT, DeclinedDoomed <> wrote:

>Hello, hopefully someone can help me with this problem. I tried to
>adjust my system clock to daylight savings time, but now everytime I
>restart the computer it’s reset. For example, I set the clock to 11:40
>AM, Mon. 15 Feb. Upon restart, it’s now 12:05 AM, Tue. 16 Feb. I’ve
>readjusted the clock several times, and it resets at every reboot.
>Is there any way to fix this? Thanks! :slight_smile:

Have you tried replacing your cmos battery?