ClearChat comfort Logitech USB not wireless Help

Okay thank you for clicking now here is my problem
i bought this headset clearchat comfort but logitech USB but its not wireless.
i used it and it worked completely fine for like 3 days the mic worked the sound was going through the headset now ive plugged it in today and the mic still works and all but the sound doesnt go through the headset anymore it just goes through the normal speakers and its very annoying that i can’t listen to music or play my game because my parents don’t like the sound and now i can’t do anything
so just a recap headset worked first 3 days and the sound went through headset and now the mic still works but now no sound through the headset just the normal speakers

Help asap please BurgerMeat
This is my first thread please be kind :slight_smile:

Welcome to openSUSE forums.

Take a look at the order of your sound devices under YaST > Hardware > Sound. See if there is an option to make the USB device the 1st device. If using KDE, also look under KMENU > Configure Deskop > General > Multimedia and see if the order of sound devices there matches the order of sound devices in YaST.

I don’t have such a headset, so there is a large degree of speculation in the above suggestion.