Clean my SSD

I am sending my Samsung 840 EVO back to amazon and I need to know how I can purge the SSD. My openSUSE OS is installed on it.

I have no experience whatsoever!

I searched a bit on the Internet and found many, partly contradictory, stories. :frowning:

Maybe this one helps:

Repartition the drive so it only has 1 partition that spans the entire disk. Make it a LUKS encrypted partition with a long random passphrase. If you want more security copy 250 gb of jpgs onto the encrypted drive.

On 2015-04-27 20:16, Sargon wrote:
> I am sending my Samsung 840 EVO back to amazon and I need to know how I
> can purge the SSD. My openSUSE OS is installed on it.

It depends what you want to erase, if it is sensitive data or not.

The secure erase method mentioned by Henk should be good and fast. The
method from Andrew is interesting.

Otherwise, if the data is not sensitive but you want simply to return
the disk “empty” so that they can’t /easily/ have a look, then just fill
it with zeroes:

dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/fulldevice bs=100M oflag=direct

I’m unsure what is best, direct or nocache (the difference is about
system speed, not security).

Cheers / Saludos,

Carlos E. R.

(from 13.1 x86_64 “Bottle” (Minas Tirith))