Clean install is a complete dumpster fire

I had done an install several weeks ago without issue, but just installed Tumbleweed on another drive just now and it is maddening.

I cannot rearrange my displays, it prompts at every login if I want to extend my display or duplicate onto a (non-existent) projector, and once I get things into a remotely-usable state, everything reverts after a reboot.

I don’t even know where to begin in troubleshooting this mess. Are there any particular logs I can attach?

Hi, welcome

Was this install done reusing a user’s homedir ? If so, create a new user and see if the issue exists for that new user. If this user doesn’t suffer from the issue, the culprit is in your homedir, otherwise it’s a system issue. But, since you’re mentioning a non-existent projector, I suspect old data.
What is the videochip / card involvded?
Are we talking about a KDE desktop? GNOME? Please elaborate.

Though I understand frustration, disappointment when things don’t work as expected, please refrain from titles like this one, chances are users that could help you simply ignore the post for expexting a rant.

During install I had it completely wipe the drive and allocate itself as it saw fit. It was an old windows drive so I don’t think there is anything that would have been kept anyway. Graphics is AMD Vega 56 and confirmed to be using AMDGPU driver, desktop env is KDE.

After searching around a bit it looks like 3 displays has a pretty good chance of simply breaking X, although this is the first I am experiencing it. It’s been so long since I’ve had to manually edit xorg.conf that I can’t even find it any more.

Hehe, I shoud have seen KDE…

What you can do, to reset the screen configuration, is whilst nog being logged in on the KDE desktop but through the console is this:

  • Logout from the desktop
  • Hit Ctrl-Alt-F2
  • login with normal username and password

rm -rf ~/.local/share/kscreen

  • Hit Ctrl-Alt-F7
  • login on the KDE desktop and see if things have improved.

Interesting – I do not have a kscreen directory in ~/.local/share

I suppose that could explain why it resets my configuration every time, if it isn’t even saving it. I tried creating the directory, saving my settings, and then logging out/in, and it did not create a file in the directory (nor did it restore the settings).

The folder should be there on KDE.

Can you show output of

ls -liad /home/*
ls -liad $HOME

[FONT=system]chris@linux-goyk:~> ls -liad /home/*
131 drwxr-xr-x 21 chris users 4096 Oct 20 17:57 **/home/chris
chris@linux-goyk:~> ls -liad $HOME
131 drwxr-xr-x 21 chris users 4096 Oct 20 17:57 **/home/chris**

Finally found where this issue is discussed in the KDE bug tracker as well as a referenced reddit thread. Apparently in the prompt in my first screen shot, you have to choose “Extend to the Right” after which it creates a config file correctly in ~/.local/share/kscreen.

You can configure the desired display confiuration via the System Settings > Display and Monitor utility as required.