Since 12.1 I’ve switched to Clawsmail & tend to like it much (much, much) better than Thunderbird; however, I have relied on the GTKHTML2VIEWER plugin because many vendors refuse to send emails in anything other than HTML. I’ve been searching for the plugin and cannot find it anywhere.
I did, however, find the following:
Update to version 3.9.1:
- All plugins previously packaged as ‘Extra Plugins’ are now
- contained within the Claws Mail package.** In addition to that,
- the following plugins have been dropped: TrayIcon, Dillo
- Viewer, and Gtkhtml2 Viewer**.
(emphasis mine)
Why on earth would they drop those plugins, specifically one as useful as an HTML viewer? I cannot find a way to contact the developers to ask them to re-include the & cannot find a way to download the specific plugin; the link does not work from the clawsmail website. Is anybody aware of another way to view in HTML or a place to download the file?
Thank you in advance.
EDIT: I tried looking in the Plugins while in Claws & it does not exist. I searched on the Internet & only found links to sites I do not trust for RPM versions of the plugin.