clamscan line not finding a test virus

I use clamscan as an engine for my app known as scanvirus. It doesn’t show any virus on one type command line. It does on another type command line. FYI, I download a test virus from a website. Clamscan normally finds the virus in the downloads folder.

This is the normal scan virus line. I can’t post the whole app. It’s too large.

nice -"$CS_Priority" clamscan -r / --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no | Scan_Results_Filter

Change the priority to lowest and send results to the the filter.

So, I simplied the line to this.

clamscan -r -i / --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no

This finds no viruses.

/home/username/Downloads # clamscan -r --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no

This does find a virus.

Perhaps not traversing mounted partitions, assuming /home is on a separate one and a different filesystem? What if you cd to /?

Did a full system update as of today.

I was in the home/username directory. I did this line.

clamscan / -r --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no

Another day, I did this line again. This time using “cd …” again and again, until I reached the rootdir (/).

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6815660
Engine version: 0.100.3
Scanned directories: 32042
Scanned files: 216701
Infected files: 0

#blkid -o list

device                fs_type   label      mount point              
/dev/sda1             vfat                 /boot/efi                 
/dev/sda2             btrfs                (in use)                
/dev/sda3             swap                 [SWAP] 

My last opensuse install had a separate home directory. This time I just used defaults. I’ll add back the separate home directory when I upgrade to ‘opensuse 15.2’.

Navigating to home\username\downloads I do.


----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6815660
Engine version: 0.100.3
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 16
Infected files: 1

Same directory:

clamscan --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no

----------- SCAN SUMMARY -----------
Known viruses: 6815660
Engine version: 0.100.3
Scanned directories: 1
Scanned files: 16
Infected files: 1


My real username is masked, but the idea is the same.

clamscan -r --exclude-dir=/sys --exclude-dir=/proc --exclude-dir=/dev --exclude-dir=/.snapshots --follow-dir-symlinks=0 --follow-file-symlinks=0 --cross-fs=no > /home/username/Downloads/clamscan_test.txt

I did this command and searched the text file for ‘/home/username/Downloads’. I get nothing.

I searched for the home directory. I see this.

/home: Excluded
/opt: Excluded
/root: Excluded
/srv: Excluded
/tmp: Excluded
/usr/local: Excluded

I didn’t exclude the home directory.


This issue has turned into another one. So, I’m closing it.

Thanks for help.